Conserving Energy = Securing Future

Energy security is emerging as an alarming and deciding factor in global energy economy. The progression of each sector in global market ranging from transportation to communication, health services and food industry is powered from the energy resources.

According to a recent research, to manufacture 1 calorie of food, 10 calories of oil and gas resources are invested at industry end. Hence, energy conservation is being promoted in a broader array of industries.

Today, we will explore energy conservation method from a rather very simple working model.


The model contains a 6 Watt bulb, a nichrome wire, 6V toy motor with fan blades, insulated bolts with copper turnings, washers (iron and copper) wired to the terminals, ear phone sockets to connect electricity with a model and a plastic container with copper sulphate solution.

Once connections made, insert the ear phone sockets and see the magic happening. The electricity drives the model in such a way that the bulb starts glowing, the nichrome wire turns red hot, fan blades begins to rotate, iron bolt attracts iron nails, electroplating ; all happens at once.

Energy conservation in realistic terms can only be achieved if everyone one of us pledges to be energy secure and actively contribute towards making India an energy secure nation.

But are you contributing to India’s energy security? Do you know what is your energy score? Click on the image below to take up Energy score quiz and get certified.



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