GAIL targets 100% e-payment to contract workers this month

GAIL has targeted 100% e-payment to all its contract workers for their wages to be disbursed for the month of November 2016. About 94% of the total contract workers are already getting their wages through net-banking in various GAIL establishments. Rigorous efforts are being made for covering the balance contract workers through net-banking by opening their bank accounts. All work centers are organizing special camps with the help of local branches of banks to achieve this.

GAIL is one of the earliest PSUs to adopt ERP for its various business processes and for making e-payments to its employees. The cashless transaction through e-payment systems to all its vendors, customers, was introduced in 2003.

Since 2014, it has been provisioned in Tender Documents that the contractor deploying contract workers to disburse wages to their contract workers through net-banking and that they should be covered under the Social Security net, i.e. EPF and ESI schemes of Government of India.

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