Here Are 5 Reasons To Follow GAIL On Social Media Day

GAIL (India) Limited is the largest state-owned natural gas processing
and distribution company in India which engages and
listens to its consumers through social media platforms. To reach each
and every set of audience, GAIL (India) Limited has its presence over
different social media platforms such as Facebook, TwitterLinkedinVine,
Youtube and Instagram.

Here are five reasons you should follow GAIL (India) Limited on social media

1. Industry Updates:

Industry updates are very important; especially when it concern’s the nation’s interest.

You can get latest updates about GAIL and
other ongoing projects along with industry-specific groups and specific interest groups by following GAIL on LinkedIn.

2. Job Opportunities:

New graduates and interested parties can get the latest updates on job openings
and career opportunities via the social platforms.

3. Be an agent of change:

Following GAIL on social media provides you information that helps achieve sustainable development throughout India.

4. Increase you sense of responsibility:

GAIL is more than just an energy company. As a conscious corporate
citizen, the organization believes that it has a social purpose. The
rigor and strategic thought that drives GAIL similarly fuels its CSR

5. A platform to voice your opinion

Given the two-way communication of social media, GAIL provides a
platform to share ideas, discuss and engage in meaningful conversation.



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