Shri Subir Purkayastha joins as Director (Finance), GAIL

New Delhi, May 01, 2015: Shri Subir Purkayastha today took over as Director (Finance) of GAIL (India) Limited. A Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary by professional qualification, Shri Subir Purkayastha has a rich experience of nearly 30 years in the areas of Corporate Finance and Treasury including Forex Risk Management, Capital Budgeting, Corporate Budgets, Corporate Accounts, Finalization of Long Term LNG and Gas Agreements, Liquefaction and Regasification Terminal Service Agreement, Shareholders Agreements and Joint Ventures Agreement etc.

Prior to his appointment as Director (Finance), he held the position of Executive Director (Finance & Accounts) in GAIL. Additionally, Shri Subir Purkayastha also holds the position of Director in GAIL Gas (USA) Inc., Ratnagiri Gas and Power Pvt. Ltd (RGPPL) and TAPI Pipeline Company Limited. He joined GAIL in 1985 as a Finance Officer and rose to the position of Executive Director. Having joined in the early stages of the company, he was part and parcel of the growth trajectory of the Company.

As Executive Director (Finance), besides heading Corporate Finance and Treasury section in large mobilisation of funds from domestic and international markets and taking investment decisions in large infrastructure projects, he was also actively involved in Investor relations and interactions with Analysts fraternity. Besides serving a long tenure at the GAIL corporate office, he was on secondment to Petronet LNG Ltd., during its formative years from 1998 to 2002. During his stint at Petronet LNG, he was actively engaged in the selection of LNG supplier and finalisation of first ever LNG supply agreement in the country viz with Ras Gas, Qatar, Time Charter Agreement with Japanese Shipping consortium and EPC contract for construction of Dahej re-gasification terminal. Thereafter, he was posted at GAIL’s largest manufacturing unit viz petrochemical plant at Pata, U.P. for 4 years. It was during his stint in Petrochemicals Unit at GAIL, Pata he introduced e-budget for preparation and control of capital and revenue budget of the Unit.

Shri Subir Purkayastha is an avid reader and in his spare time often reads on topics related to finance, management and leadership. He is also fond of old Hindi melodies.

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