Sun Baked food

The time to switch to “green cooking” has arrived. Looking at the current health standards of life and the increasing pressure on non-renewables, it is the apt time to adopt non renewables in day today life. The “green cooking” can be adopted by using solar energy as the source of cooking heat.

In this post, we present you a simple method to make your own solar oven and harness the most abundant energy source.

Materials required:

  1. Old picture frame
  2. Duct tape
  3. Aluminium foil
  4. Newspaper
  5. Glue

Follow these simple steps and make your own solar oven.

Step 1#

Take two thick cardboard boxes and cut a hole in larger box to size of smaller box. Make sure that one box is at least 2 to 3 inches larger than the other.

step 1

Step 2#

Put the smaller box into the cut section and tape it to fix it properly.

gail_post_highlited copy

Step 3#

Cut out the flap of the box from thick cardboard and cover it with aluminium foil using glue. Also cover the inner lining of box with foil as shown.

step 3

Step 4#

Hinge the lid on the juncture of the boxes using duct tape.

step 4

Step 5#

step 5

Now enclosure of the solar oven is ready to get its solar cooking capabilities.

Take a thick cardboard and draw the shape as shown. Cut four identical pieces and cover one side of the cardboard with aluminium foil using glue. This would be the reflector for the solar oven.

Step 6#

step 6Your solar oven is ready to bake !!

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