
Shake well before

During Consumer Electronics show 2009, an energy harnessing device was introduced which changed the dynamics of the kinetic energy capturing devices. The nPower PEG (personal Energy Generator); a stick that when shaken produced enough energy to charge small electronic devices such as mobile phones. n To charge your device at any point of time and […]

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Enough ideas and innovations to generate energy from have already been discussed in the previous posts, today we will explore energy generation from something that the world loves to the fullest; Football. The most watched sport has to offer a whole new dimension to the solution the energy scarcity. image source: Uncharted Play Soccket, invented


Speed Bumps: Safeguarding you and the environment

Virginia in 2011 witnessed a unique new kinetic energy recovery device; Speed Bumps. In their official test of “Motion Power System”, New Energy Technology installed their innovation which is specially crafted to recover energy as the vehicles pass over it. The mechanism behind these speed bumps is to capture kinetic energy and convert it into

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