The Billionaire’s drive!

T. Boone Pickens is the billionaire who believes in Natural Gas. Born on 22nd May 1928, he began delivering newspapers at the age of 12. Today after 85 years he is the Chairman at BP Management and stands at a net worth of about $1.2 Billion, ranked 377th billionaire in USA, March 2013 (Forbes,

All through his life Pickens has made his own way. Driven by his love for people and the environment, his plans have always revolved around making America a self-reliant country. The billionaire is a thorough environmentalist, even when it comes to choosing his cars. Today apart from the S class 600 Mercedes he owns, he keeps a Honda Civic GX. He owns the Honda for his love of Natural gas, since it is the only Natgas vehicle available in the US, as off now! The Billionaire loves his drive and fuels his HONDA with his personal Natural-gas line, that costs him less than $ 1 a gallon!! He calls the Honda the “Pickens Plan Car.”

According to the article (, he is quoted saying,

Nowadays, I don’t drive all that much. I live a mile from my office. But I keep the Civic around. My kids drive it sometimes. You’d never know it wasn’t driving on gasoline; it feels just the same. I got it painted up like a blue sky with white clouds. To me, it looks like a beautiful day.”

In July 2008, Pickens, all-time oilman launched the ‘Pickens Plan,’ an $82 Million campaign. According to the PLAN, he intends initiating a drastic and fundamental change in the US energy system. The plan would help US bring down its dependence on foreign energy and introduce wind, solar energy, and steer the transport sector away from Oil, towards natgas. This plan shall address the OPEC Oil threat, stimulate the economy and make the future, emission free and eco-friendly!

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