Today a major crisis that affects everyone in India is being tackled: Garbage. We have established an energy generation initiative by transforming the Ghazipur landfill from a giant pile of waste into a source of sustainable energy.
The process involves three basic steps; Collection, Refining and transportation.
The section of the landfill has been covered to capture the gases produced by the waste. Utilizing wells that are connected to a suctioned piping network, the gases are collected.
The captured gases consist of hydrogen sulfide, methane and small amounts of hydrogen. The gases are then separated, purified from LFG (land fill gas) and transformed into usable CNG.
The usable CNG will then be transferred out using our existing pipeline network and to distribution centers.
The results of this endeavor have been exceptional;
Since its inception we have been able to reduce emissions by 60 kilo tons of carbon dioxide equal by using the previously wasted methane as now usable energy. By covering the landfill we have also been able to reduce the exposure to disease, Furthermore rodents and pests have also been culled since the project has started.
The steps taken at the Ghazipur landfill will help us reduce carbon emissions and create sustainable renewable energy from pure waste.
To find out more you can visit this link:
Energy blogger/writers interested in touring the project site can email us at:
This achievemnt of GAIL to be shared & to be highiligted through hoardings in Delhi & to the New Goverment. GAIL brand image to be further strengthened.