Enough ideas and innovations to generate energy from have already been discussed in the previous posts, today we will explore energy generation from something that the world loves to the fullest; Football. The most watched sport has to offer a whole new dimension to the solution the energy scarcity.

1image source: Uncharted Play

Soccket, invented by Uncharted Play, is a ball made from a durable, water resistant material especially crafted for tough grounds and situations. The ball has been designed in accordance to the places which are underdeveloped and have less or no supply of energy. The ball captures the kinetic energy which is produced while rolling and bouncing during the game and then stores it in the battery which is implanted in the ball itself.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeQ-OrkUTII
Soccket provides a six watt power output which can charge small electronic devices such as lamps, cell phones, fans etc. The lamp can generate enough power to light an electric lamp for 3 hours with just 30 minutes of play.

This may prove out to be a boon for developing nations where access to electricity is inversely proportional to the football skills of the denizens.

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