World’s Firsts

China’s population and rising demand for consumable product has turned the dragon land into an aggressive energy hungry nation. This has also propagated the need for wider usage of alternative sources of energy in the country.

Recently a Chinese shipping industry has initiated the tests and analysis of world’s first LNG fuelled carrier. The tests have begun in the waters of the port city of “Zhangjiagang” in Jiangsu province. The 5000 Dwt Ocean going cargo vessel is expected to be delivered a Norwegian logistics and shipping company, “Nor Lines AS” this year in June. As per a local news agency the vessel is first of the two vessel fleet as ordered by the Nor Lines. However there was no confirmation about the release of second vessel as of now.

The new LNG fuelled carrier would be emitting a lot less amount of carbon, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants as compared to the traditional diesel fuelled carriers.

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